Monday, April 25, 2005

wind me up and see how i go.

i'm still reeling. from my driving lesson and the weekend.
a different car with a different instructor but with a cool no. 7 meant feeling all wound up on the roads for the first time. having some truck tailgating me.. a dog running across my path.. being nagged at about my blind spots..
and then rushing back so as not to be the last car meant going at more than 50 km/h. to think before that i was trying to keep at 40 and now I was responding to calls of "more power! more power! ah.. quick quick! don't be the last car.. must chiong!"

the weekend was just "rush rush",making the best of whatever time I had on my hands and major pigging out sessions.. oh the horror.
so much for my attempts at detox today.growls.

mon has been good.

but my weekends are better.

wen at 11:08 PM



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