Wednesday, February 22, 2006

oh how i need someone to watch over me.

Sometimes i feel like everything is blurring up and losing focus. Just like one of those pretty artistic things. Or like one of those ending, parting shots where everything fades. Funky.Not. It may seem all fine and dandy sometimes to be carried with the flow. Just let things be they say and time will tell. But doesn't it come to a point in time when it doesns't get quite so pretty and fun anymore?
One limp body. Carried by the tide.
A flailing hand that droops.
Eyes wide open, Head turned to the side.
To avoid.
To be content.
Because there will be a destination.

I am no longer satisfied with what i have. I want more. and cue in the little mermaid:
've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

i want more focus and discipline. Not to be distracted with the peripheral and to centre my attention on what is important. I want to feel that same drive i had during my pre A level days. i want something to motivate me. or maybe a someone will do.

this year is going to be a year of self discovery i fathom.

wen at 1:29 AM



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