Sunday, March 26, 2006
Your Honour, May it please the court...
My name is Ong Wentu and I am here before this court today in my personal capacity. I would respectfully like this court to rule that having the moots was a wonderful thing on the basis that firstly, tg 13 made it so much fun just by virtue of being themselves, and secondly, this moots, i believe, has brought my tg very much closer and lastly,my moot partner has been the nicest.Your Honours, my first submission is that tg13 has been a wonderful tg.
How we have progressed from the first day we started on our moots, the encouragement and helping each other. All the laughs and bitching. Your Honours, I believe I do not need to elaborate with regard to this point.
With regard to the second point your honours, I believe that the whole process of moots has brought the entire tg much closer together. Lasting through 6 hour long practice sessions together, questioning people rapid-fire, going through some drama during the immediate runup to the actual thing, and then going to court with a strong show of solidarity and support on the actual day.And your honours, I am not Lavan's fanclub president with a sunflower. ok. (maybe in secret)
lavan's fanclub:
Furthermore your honours,our tg scooted off for a scrumptious dinner at chijmes. i think all the fun is evidenced in the photos:
on the way there
photowhoring in the toilet:
take your pick.
Your Honours, my last submission is that my moot partner has been wonderful.. bothering with my whinings online,helping me plug holes with my argument, sticking that post it on my rebuttal paper during the moots ( even though you silly pokanana. you reused what i wrote to you.), pre and post moot meals.. taking me up on a crazy carpark dare.. thanks so much.
the one time i see my moot partner look so good. (don't whack me! remember your motto yesterday: much love)
with the opposing counsels :)
In conclusion your honours, I miss the moots. Its like the whole process of going to war: suiting up and preparing, going through it bruised and and battered but still standing then coming out of it satisfied. My motto yesterday: charm and kickass.
P.S to tg 13, emails regarding a chalet and present for karen will be going out soon.
P.P.S drivers should not mess with me on the road just because 1. i'm a girl. 2. i'm a newbie driver. heh.
wen at 12:57 PM