Sunday, April 16, 2006
No Pride...

In karen's words, "Its amazing that one tg actually likes each other and works together. Its just... freakin amazing that 2 tgs actually like each other and work together..."

And so, we all went on a trip to gluttons bay to give karen her present, which i am very proud of, and give her a proper taste of local fare. " Carrot cake WITHOUT the carrot? SERIOUSLY?!" " Girls used to be TRAINED to peel prawns for the males" " Oh, geylang...40 dollars for 30min..." "there are the more exotic ones.. like the Venezuelans.. but you end up getting pirated ones.. maybe from the phillipines" I'm glad to have found a tg cool enough to hang out together and do silly stuff like taking the task of relighting the candle of the fondue upon ourselves, or attempting to toast marshmellows over the candle flame then watching it combust into flames instead and using the leftover choc to draw a smiley face on the plate and wait to watch the waitress' reaction when she collected it.

I've learned thus far that sometimes, there is a need to look beyond pride because its so easy to lick your wounds and nurse your pride and at times, you lose sight of the bigger picture, that sometimes, just forgive and forget and move on. Its time to make that leap of faith again. Its probably not easy but hell yea, stop denial and face what is really inside. I've pendulumned beween the extremes of listening to my heart and listening to my head, being tempestuous and reckless and being cautious and afraid. Sometimes Its not easy to find middle ground but:
be strong. live strong. and take heart in knowing that you were true to yourself
at least you learn even if you were wrong
I'm back to listening to my heart.
wen at 2:48 AM