Friday, April 21, 2006

Thank god for the weatherman

I've given up driving to the reservoir at my place. I decided that I shall just run there and back.
So it wasn't any different today.
Just that I took the risk of running with dark clouds already covering half the sky.
So, Just past the midway mark and running back, I saw lightning and heard thunder.
Damn. I easily had at least 1.5k to go. Fried bunny, by virtue of lightning or Soaked bunny, by virtue of rain wasn't exactly the most comforting thought. I was just cursing myself for all the smartness of making myself run all the way. No car. No shelter.
Didn't help that I was inflicted with a stich. At least the regulars didn't seem perturbed by the impending rain. ok so smiling at them helped ease the pain somewhat and the rain made me increase my somewhat snail-like speed. ( no pun k. in light of the war against snails and slugs. I tell you, throw a handful of salt and it'll be the end of it)
The strange thing was, on the way back the roads were wet.Which was all very strange.
1 half of my route couldn't be more than 2k. Which means the rain didn't touch my route at all.
The moment I stepped into the house, it started to rain.
Apparently it was raining like shit and the lightning was damn bad, according to my mum.
yayness to the weather dude.
Its still raining as I blog this. But the sun is out.

With any luck, I'll see a rainbow.

wen at 7:00 PM



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