Wednesday, May 31, 2006
And I just wanna fly.
Its always nice to be kept occupied, esp during this long holiday. It makes time past faster and it always feels good going about with a purpose. This is the time to try new things and just pack my days with fun stuff to do, find that warm fuzzy feeling when you meet old friends,spend time with not-so-old friends...i like doing things spontaneous. like randomly deciding to visit our favourite waitress and friends at wine company.
I love the quaint setting and atmosphere. Just makes me wanna sit around and chat and not leave. I think I found my dose of happiness this holidays, called chocolate lava cake. Puts nothing less than that happy grin on my face. That sugar rush which gives me the giggles.
i like that odd tingling sensation down your spine when you think about possibilities.. and the all time adrenaline rush. my favourite. i get it usually from my runs when i can.. but i re-discovered another possible avenue again. being huiling's crash bunny for rag. :) even though sometimes i get cold feet when i'm standing almost 2 m off the ground just balancing on the guys hands, i still love the adrenaline despite the pain.
but nothing beats the high i get when i get to the beach with fantastic weather.
i swear it all started with tioman.. and i never stopped thereafter. there's something about the sun at sentosa which makes all the colours so much richer and happier.
its a dog's life I brought dash to the beach for the first time and he got all the attention. Though at the very end of the day i think he came home with a whole lot of new names and new skills which included hunting and cornering chio-bus and taupoking jared. that silly boy got scared of the waves! But he was the most adorable/good looking thing ever.
though, my dear darling boy really needs to learn self-control. esp when it comes to the drool. down boy.
the girls
it was the perfect ending.
this came on my ipod as i lay there on the sand watching the world pass me by..
//I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
and i dreamt.
someone once told me there are easier ways to get an adrenaline rush but i realized that by taking risks in my life, i get the same heady feeling. it might be all well and good to think things through but not too much and attempt to plug every possible hole, back up plans will never end.. back up a backup plan. Sometimes, i just take the plunge and even if at the end of the road, i get hurt, i know i did what i felt was right for my heart at that point in time.
Tagged by Wing
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Mention the gender of his/her gender.
3. Tag 8 victims to this and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged a second time, there is no need to do it a second time.
5. The most impt part is having fun doing it!
1. motivated and driven. He's got to know what he wants in life and go for it. It'll be nice if he'll spur me on for the greater things in life.
2. He's got to know how to romance me, and when i mean romance, i don't mean the whole wine and dine affair. That is nice once in awhile, but i'm not high maintainance in that way. I'd rather he do something special like cook for me. It is the little things that count.The thought behind it which can make an otherwise normal day special.
3. he's got to know how to hold honest and frank conversations with me about anything. I would appreciate it much if he will tell me esp when something is bothering him. I like frankness and i'm not that soft. really. I can take it.
4.he's got to be emotionally in tune with me. be sensitive. i'm high maintainence in this respect. i don't deny.
5. but at the same time, he's got to be independent and have a life of his own. because i want mine. i don't want him there with me 24/7.. i'll be suffocated. Basically, a sensitive alpha male, yes sirreee.
6. he's got to be liked by my parents. its an important consideration since i'm really close to them.
7. he's got to be sporty/ spontaneous and willing to do stuff in the sun. take me to the beach, jog with me.. try new stuff with me!
8. he's got to be physically attractive to me. a lovely cologne helps. cute with a toned bod.. wheee....
wen at 10:48 PM