Monday, May 15, 2006

this love.

I know ever since exams ended my blog has been a hodgepodge of photos. But really, photowhoring has its merits. Trust me. it does. I've been talking love since I went to Tioman. Talking about love within the circle of trust, thinking about a non- existant lover to share future holidays with, thinking about the meaning of love. So as of now, I would like to introduce everyone to the Man in my life. He's horny. But he's handsome. And sometimes, he gives you the one look that will melt your heart and make you want to just hug him. Oh so true from what I know about love.

You wanna know what makes me go weak in the knees? A guy like that:

yes. hubba-hubba. That fine body and that chiseled looks. But I've come to realize, Singapore most unfortunately does not produce guys of such fine quality. So.. damn. But what gets me weak.. besides a nice bod in nothing but a pair of jeans, is his cologne. Get a good cologne and its an added incentive to make me wanna just snuggle in his arms, and just breathe him in and feel safe. But yes, enough about my fantasies about guys. I'll let you in on another fantasy of mine: I've always wanted to dress like this, boots and all.

This is what i think is hawt and cool all at the same time. But unfortunately, boots in Singapore are just poseur. So someone give me an excuse to wear boots. Send me to a place with weather cool enough for this and fashion, haute enough.

I've always been a bloody romantic. If I could, i'll live on love alone. Bollocks, you tell me. But its true, and when I mean love, I don't just mean love a guy can give, but love from family and friends as well. And so I had a JC class gathering on saturday night and was pleasantly surprised with the turnout and conversation. People always tend to judge so fast but I'm glad for people who know me for who I am and realize that i'm still the same girl they first knew. In turn, I appreciate them for who they are, no matter what. Everyone is nice. One way or another. You just have to look hard enough. Which brings me to the next bit, that I'm forever too trusting and in the end, I feel too much and make myself more vulnerable than needed. But I digress.

a01b at giraffe:

people, please tell me the dates you are free so i can plan for our trip.
a01b and prince

I'm amazed at prince's wonderful memory.. everyone's usual seating position and even weixian's scrawlings on the dingy ts walls.
Me: mike, get someone to take photo for us.
Prince: A photo.
Prince: lawyer.. lets not lapse into singlish here.
Me: Sorry mr prince
Prince: continue and you'll be on my death list.
Me: yes mr prince
Me: sorry mr prince

Jireh, this is for you.. i know you read this.

Its been awhile since we've been out like that.. and it sure feels good to do so:
happy mothers day!

i blame the red wine which made me sleep the afternoon away. But the service was tops!
A secret enclave. A rather ulu location where my uncle opened his restaurant and its really really nice. :)

with mummy and daddy:

with queenie and emmie, my lovely cousins:

In the future, I'll love. the way i know love. Crazy. Passionate. Each morning I wake up, I'll feel like my heart is bursting with love for that person. Its then that i know i'm in love when I want to share my life with him and put his happiness above my own. Giving is always better than receiving.
//I'm tellin' you my babe, its all in the game of love--

Whatever you make it to be

wen at 12:36 AM



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