Monday, May 22, 2006

Work it, Gal

I've finished the entire cycle 6 of America's Next Top Model on youtube and I've been hearing the judges/photographers scream "work it girl!", "make it your own!".. ( i love that show. all the photo shoots and bitchiness going into overdrive)
Its been a tough past year and looking back, yes I did work it, and made it my own, no matter how many other people might have thought otherwise.I'm stronger and happier now. People change and so must expectations. I was disappointed but I saw the light.

But some things don't change. I've known this girl since the day i was born. Amazing how she used to bully me and scare the crap out of me while we were in primary school and now she's the sweetest girl ever. Funny how with certain people, its so easy to pick up where you last left off. No matter how long ago that last time was. Time doesn't seem to matter.
here's to many more years of friendship my dear tav..

I miss RJ! though i don't feel anything for the new campus. Its too big. the only memories i have of this new place is collecting my A level cert from there. Electrifying atmosphere i say, in every possible wrong way. whitened knuckles from too tight hand-holding, eyes wide opened, possibly blankness in the brain... i remember just going 'omg omg omg' when i got my results back from Prince. I had already mentally prepped myself for shitty results cuz i was almost dead that month. literally. because of tonsilities.

We went back on a very bad day. It was the one day study break. We couldn't get any luckier than that. But that didn't stop us from being photo whores and man, the first stall auntie remembers me!! YAY-ness.

no one's in and no entry to me

We managed to catch over the hedge and can i say, the sub-plot of the show must have been " 10 ways to kill a bunny"... in any case, it was a horribly cute show and funny one at that.

I did my usual grocery shopping for my mum, only thing this time, i had 3 helpers in tow... or maybe not.. balancing on the trolley.. making me take crazy photos..
supermarket sweep

And well, there was tofu boy.. but he's on his way to being tau kwa boy? ( colour difference right.. hur.) But its alright my level 1.__ friend, i lubch you still.. even though you suan me 5 min into each meeting we have. And i BLAME YOU for making me eat my BnJ ice cream when i got home today!!! You GOOD. spent a good part of the car ride home telling me about liquor shots on icre cream. PERSON, you better take me there ASAP!
But in any case, Thanks for everything, talking things through with me, listening to me rant, understanding me... Amazing how we always land ourselves up in similar circumstances :) Its ok, my friend, time will pass fast enough.. ;)

Went to school for Alsa.. and conducted ice breakers for them.. It was really nice to see them so enthu. though my heart went out to our poor mascot during the water game.

my ogl for today:

this is such a cute photo!



i love the way i find myself when i jog. lately, I think i've found myself in the 'zone', getting stiches means more reason for carrying on and increasing the volume of my ipod. Rock/RnB thank you very much. And again, work it, gal!Just keep going. I've extended my route and its always so satisfying to get home even though i end up wishing i had someone to massage my legs after that. Its therapeutic. I don't give a damn if it means i'll get more muscular legs or something. I need the adrenaline rush.

I love how my days ahead of me seem to be filling up nicely. Its always nice to be busy. happy-busy. I remember my baobeis talking about it before. It makes life so much more fulfilling. (meeting up with old friends, on the look out for jobs, orientation, bonding with the bunch: sentosa, ice skating, jb, world cup suppers, stayovers...)

I love everyone who has crossed my path..Sometimes they fade away, and I just miss the memories..
and I'm missing people now.. half a world away. can't wait!!

//Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay..

wen at 10:48 AM



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