Tuesday, June 13, 2006
welcome back.

Took the ECP to the airport today and watched the world go by. It might have been the double shot of cuppacino i had earlier. Or maybe it was just the sun, and the blue sky. Then i saw the skyline, the city across the water's edge, the palm trees lining the sides of the roads. My cd blasting.. I hadn't felt that way for ages, the dizzy burst of happiness coupled with that buzz of electricity in my tummy.I couldn't help but break out into song. ( i just have a nagging feeling i shouldn't have been snapping photos while driving)
But more importantly, my baobeis are back! My pillars of strength. I couldn't help but wonder at how we've grown and here i was driving down the highway on the way to be the first to meet up since they left last year. 3 girls, 3 very different lives but essentially the same strong ties we forged back in rgs.
babes, its time to paint the town red!

screams at the airport. a flurry of hugs.
here's to more air kisses

and OMG it was painful watching Japan get demolished by Australia. Sigh. -heartbreak-
//Since the moment I spotted you
Like walking 'round with little wings on my shoes
My stomach's filled with the butterflies
And it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feelin' like I'm never gonna come down
wen at 12:44 AM