Saturday, July 29, 2006

and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid..

With just my reading lamp on, a tealight or 2, class 95 on the radio, I've taken to curling up in my bedroom with a book late at night. ( Its 'The Time Traveler's Wife' at the moment and my bedroom setting adds to the mood just perfectly.) Its always nice to indulge in a little romanticism, belive that love conquers all.

Tonight's family dinner somehow turned into a mass bring the bfs session. oh the horror, of being hounded by the rest.
But it was nice to see the girls all happy, and then some.
But finally.. there's gonna be a wedding in the family soon enough!! Its when you hear sweet stories such as my cousin's bf asking my uncle for her hand in marriage that you believe in true love.

'Ah, but what can we take along
into that other realm? Not the art of looking,
which is learned so slowly, and nothing that happened here.Nothing.
The sufferings, then. And, above all, the heaviness,
and the long experience of love,-just what is wholly unsayable.'
- The Ninth Duino Elegy
Finished my sailing course today and it just made me realise how much i need to keep myself occupied, keep myself active. Such fun to be out there, even if it meant lots of capsizing and even having your boat turn turtle on you when you try to act smart and attempt a dry cap, and then waking up the next day to lots of bruises on your underarm making you look like some abused kid. There's a quiet satisfaction after that, muscles aching. And i guess thats what makes me wanna push myself sometimes, even if it means having wild plans of going to the gym or running or even wanting to go pick up kayaking. (anyone up for that?)

So the day I'm certified a "proficient sailor", I get to say i'm a "proficient driver" as well. Goodbye to assholes attempting to bully me on the road.
the last time you're ever gonna see this...

and then its off!

happily into my tummy.hur.


' Well, I asked Neil Armstrong what he thought about it all.'
'And what did he say?'
'He said that when he saw the earth from the moon for the first time, everything was changed in an instant.'
' I see'
" In an instant, he realised that what he thought about something, depended on which angle he was looking at it from and he added- the more he finds out, the less he knows.'
-Elvis, Jesus and Me
I think I'm beginning to see a silver lining to everything. Even if sometimes it feels like there's a wall, bubble. I see through but choose to be insulated from things. Sometimes, we all just choose the easier way out, letting things just settle to the bottom and then not disturb.

I know myself better.
I own myself.

And then, sometimes we all should just go with the flow. Fate has her way of dealing her cards.

//I hate to think hesitation is a burden
A bittersweet design for a lesson you're learning

wen at 12:53 AM



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