Sunday, August 13, 2006
not emo-schemo
Because somehow, I've been occupied on a daily basis, this is a kind of a belated update of matric week and such.nad and her second surprise in a week, where i had to make a last minute smiley faced cake with MnMs

everyone who turned up at the chalet

And it was to be the week of birthdays, Singapore celebrated her 41st as well. And what would it be without some fun with food and drinks in red and white and other stuff for the boys.

Then there was beach bash at sentosa where it culminated in the traditional drag queen contest ( which resulted in watching year 2s fend off the advances of the new found chicks of law sch)

part of last year's og 8. :)

Fright night where things went bump in the night and hand dryers went off mysteriously on their own and people heard unidentified screaming for real. Thank goodness my station was in the dean's office where there was air conditioning, and a sofa to flop on in between details. yayness that we managed to scare so many freshies with all the weird noises from khairil n kyle n chun n i cornering the freshies on the sofa; khelvin n his repeated jumping out of the cabinet and winston the ouija board n weihan the mysterious guy sitting at the end of the corridor with the candles.

rag was the next morning and somehow even with a backache from sleeping on the sofa outside the law lib for a few hours and a dying throat, I somehow managed to survive the afternoon sun and end up screaming for this year's raggers and holding my breath as they did their stunts and getting all emo n tearry eyed over them when I saw them dance.
I couldn't be more proud of each and every one of them out there that day, knowing the immense amount of hard work they put in, those tears and sweat and bruises... you go guys! It couldn't be a better way to start the new semester.
I ended up going back to my archives and reading my entry about rag. How we all felt so bonded by that one common goal.
It sure has been one long eventful year since that day.
aug 2005.

the sailors and ballerinas ala the 'sex tonight' people. So proud of you guys! :) was kinda worried about you people but you guys pulled it off with perfection.

-big hug to everyone-

My body has now started a protest to the lack of rest i've been getting and i'm officially sick. But very restless.
i hate the humid weather which doesn't help my feeling feverish.
I now understand the pain of being a full time house wife. having to wash the dishes n cook for my dad because my mum and maid are both outta the house when all i wanna do is just sleep.. urgh.
And then some days,sometimes I just feel a little unsettled. Something missing. something more. Something not quite complete.
But I can't quite put my finger on it.
School starts tomorrow and I would love to be able to tell myself and convince myself that its all going to be a fresh start.
make all the wrong right.
second chances.
possibilities. what ifs... could bes..
I'll take it all.
//This is the last time That I'm ever gonna give in tonight Are there angels or devils crawling here? I just want to know what blurs and what is clear, to see
Still I can see the pain in you And I can see the love in you And fighting all the demons will take time
wen at 12:51 PM