Monday, September 18, 2006

why i don't quite like mondays

last monday, i provided reasons why monday sucked. this monday, I've found more reasons to add to the growing list.

Got myself a much needed patella band which has as of now been elevated to life-saver status and I took it out for a test run earlier on. It worked perfectly fine, in fact, passed with flying colours. the difference between my two knees were so damn obvious. my left knee was of course the happier of the two.
But as of now, I officially need to get another band urgently, because now my other knee hurts too and is calling for support.hurhur.

i don't think i'll ever join the 'elites' or rather, thats the name i gave the bunch of regular (uncle)runners at the reservoir. i'm 1/3 their age, probably run half the distance that they do but i've twice as much equipment needed just to go for a run. sometimes I feel like i'm suiting up-ipod/patella bandand whatever else necessary to get me going. rawr.
well,at the very least, i guess i can ascribe the title of 'regular' to myself esp when i get to wave n smile at em while i run or better still, i get a friendly horn from their motorbike/car and a wave.

No, don't you dare tell me to stop moving. I was the gal who joined touch rug after my knee op and that totally flipped my mum out. but its fun to run around waaaat.

But this has got to take the cake. MY APPLE ADAPTER BLEW and a new one costs frigging 149 bucks. so now I can't charge my laptop ie use it and am currently on my PC. I think I'm ignoring the fact that I'm supposed to be doing my company tutorial because I'm actually taking the time to get reacquainted with windows all over again and busy downloading updates for this sad system i've neglected, playing around with msn (not adium) though i think i forgot how my speakers trump my laptop sound system. perfect for those songs made up of electric guitars coupled with grungy sounding vocalist and emo lyrics.just right up my alley.

Its like digging out old memories of an ex-lover..

but i still love my apple.[because where my apple key is, lies in its place the 'alt' key. why you imposter]

and because i'm not doing work, i amuse myself with photos from my food foray at st.nix and rgs.
the famous orange bowl

its amazing stuff that teachers remember you from 14 years ago. like. wow.

rgs rocks.

did i mention that i wanna go on a beach holiday?

//You had said i was gamine
But we didnt mean the same thing i think
Broke my choux pastry heart
Guess life's no picture postcard

wen at 10:34 PM



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