Sunday, October 01, 2006
It has been awhile. For blogging, for going out proper ( or at least it feels that way) .. for anything. And I blame prop assignment for that ( like how i vehemently waved the prop question in weihan's face in answer to whether i was zouking.)lease/not a lease but a tenancy at will or lease with grant/ licence/ not a licence but a contract.weeerrrrrrrt. Its a vicious cycle of blame. i blame prop for leaving me with little time to do other else so i attempt to ameliorate the situation by taking stabs at the keyboard and form a sentence. yay! one more to me.and Kiki. (oh just take the money and go) then end up doing rubbish online like changing the colour of my firefox. then i blame prop for sending me to the pits of boredom.
Come next friday, I will play. you hear me? P.L.A.Y.
This holiday, each attempt at serious work would get waylaid with something else like going over to JB and realizing the merits of what you can do with RM10. awesome dimsum!
then there is also the alternative. RM 10 for the boys- go watch dead or alive. lots of action, lots of bikinis, lots of boobs n asses, lots of wet tees.. just lack of a brain.
Triple that amount and you can go take a little puttering vibrating vehicle round the racetrack and then watch how a bumper flies or crash into someone in front of you and see people drift and drive like a maniac.
suiting up. oh the fantasies of a spanky leather jacket and a spiffy little red racing car
ready.. set..
go go go!
baby.. satisfy my need for speedbut i'm still hum.. unlike al who drove like a maniac.
then there was ht's lantern party, all in the name of tradition which landed up being a let's-burn-each-other's-lantern-with-sparklers-free-frag-session at the nearby playground. not to mention my classic brainless moment of trying to light the sparkler from the wrong end.
what twenty somethings i hear you say.
In the name of tradition, all gatherings at ht's place are never complete without some horror show. And it was Ju-On this time. "fux/cb/why the hell is she opening that door?!noooooooo.../*insert random scream*/freakkkk... "
maybe, some days, its good to place a little trust in horoscopes and its very well that it happened.
sat down, wondered why, how, what. couldn't come up with a proper answer and concluded that things just happen. it takes so much not to fall to apathy.
meme. don't have a fixed persona.a little bit of everything. soppy emotional sad love songs. me i like. head bopping/ grungy emo rock. i those guitars.frank sinatra, nat king cole,songs for the old. ilike.
restless.bored.a little random. a little more excitement please.
//Do you listen to yourself?
Never live for someone else
Do you like the way you feel?
Nothing hurts when no one's real
She wants to shake this scene
Yeah, she wants to shake with me
She's not looking for the holes in all their lies
wen at 12:40 PM