Tuesday, November 28, 2006
light up, light up

//I wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I I feel you
I hope you comprehend
Shelved a drafted post in favour of something else. An indication that I'm still alive, despite being miserable in the freezer called school and watching the rain fall on the outside. White-washed walls, grey skies which seem to draw the colour out of all else, not much of a choice between the 2.
The days get longer, the attention span gets shorter. the lights get dim, and your brain almost feels the same way.
And I do all I can to keep myself sane.
even if it means indulging in copious amounts of food,

and proceeding to be all touristy at cityspace. wahwah, damn nice!
Not before Carrie's transformation, from terrorist

to tai tai ( with her hairclip, kal's shawl and my mum's shoes)

We tried, to live the chi chi lifestyle. oh how absolutely faaabulous, daaaahling. But ended up Rushing to the window to look at the view 70 floors above ground, melting to the vocals of the night,popping cashews non stop into the mouth.
I tried, I really did, to stop myself from being such a hopeless romantic. But I suppose, the operative word as always, is "tried".

for the alcoholic in all of us

Amazement which extended to the washroom

i'll be counting down the days, till the next time i sit and feel free.
all those words unsaid.

//But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
wen at 12:11 PM