Saturday, January 27, 2007
puff of logic.
Miserable weather.Lousy day.
Foul mood.
Weather like this should only be justified when tucked nicely in bed or with much loving, both of much were unfortunately non-existant.
I'm starting to see where the stereotype of lawyers has its roots:
a course where you learn to make use of those around you and to manipulate. the ends justify the means.
and another where you just become more cynical and start to enjoy the questioning and banging of the gahmen. its cool to be the rebel.
And then, the money-grubbing scrooge. where nights of reading (flipping) through your constitutional law text book has you learning an important lesson: that it is absolutely essential to be armed with a roll of scotchtape every single time, to hold your book in place. I seem to find new pages to tape up at every single read.
Oh no, I wouldn't dream of buying a new one.
Not when books cost a 101 buckeroos.
oh twice as much aint twice as good
And can't sustain like one half could
It's wanting more
That's gonna send me to my knees
Oh gravity, stay the hell away from me
wen at 10:45 PM