Wednesday, May 31, 2006

And I just wanna fly.

Its always nice to be kept occupied, esp during this long holiday. It makes time past faster and it always feels good going about with a purpose. This is the time to try new things and just pack my days with fun stuff to do, find that warm fuzzy feeling when you meet old friends,spend time with not-so-old friends...
i like doing things spontaneous. like randomly deciding to visit our favourite waitress and friends at wine company.

I love the quaint setting and atmosphere. Just makes me wanna sit around and chat and not leave. I think I found my dose of happiness this holidays, called chocolate lava cake. Puts nothing less than that happy grin on my face. That sugar rush which gives me the giggles.

i like that odd tingling sensation down your spine when you think about possibilities.. and the all time adrenaline rush. my favourite. i get it usually from my runs when i can.. but i re-discovered another possible avenue again. being huiling's crash bunny for rag. :) even though sometimes i get cold feet when i'm standing almost 2 m off the ground just balancing on the guys hands, i still love the adrenaline despite the pain.

but nothing beats the high i get when i get to the beach with fantastic weather.

i swear it all started with tioman.. and i never stopped thereafter. there's something about the sun at sentosa which makes all the colours so much richer and happier.

its a dog's life I brought dash to the beach for the first time and he got all the attention. Though at the very end of the day i think he came home with a whole lot of new names and new skills which included hunting and cornering chio-bus and taupoking jared. that silly boy got scared of the waves! But he was the most adorable/good looking thing ever.

though, my dear darling boy really needs to learn self-control. esp when it comes to the drool. down boy.

the girls

it was the perfect ending.

this came on my ipod as i lay there on the sand watching the world pass me by..
//I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

and i dreamt.
someone once told me there are easier ways to get an adrenaline rush but i realized that by taking risks in my life, i get the same heady feeling. it might be all well and good to think things through but not too much and attempt to plug every possible hole, back up plans will never end.. back up a backup plan. Sometimes, i just take the plunge and even if at the end of the road, i get hurt, i know i did what i felt was right for my heart at that point in time.

Tagged by Wing
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Mention the gender of his/her gender.
3. Tag 8 victims to this and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged a second time, there is no need to do it a second time.
5. The most impt part is having fun doing it!

1. motivated and driven. He's got to know what he wants in life and go for it. It'll be nice if he'll spur me on for the greater things in life.

2. He's got to know how to romance me, and when i mean romance, i don't mean the whole wine and dine affair. That is nice once in awhile, but i'm not high maintainance in that way. I'd rather he do something special like cook for me. It is the little things that count.The thought behind it which can make an otherwise normal day special.

3. he's got to know how to hold honest and frank conversations with me about anything. I would appreciate it much if he will tell me esp when something is bothering him. I like frankness and i'm not that soft. really. I can take it.

4.he's got to be emotionally in tune with me. be sensitive. i'm high maintainence in this respect. i don't deny.

5. but at the same time, he's got to be independent and have a life of his own. because i want mine. i don't want him there with me 24/7.. i'll be suffocated. Basically, a sensitive alpha male, yes sirreee.

6. he's got to be liked by my parents. its an important consideration since i'm really close to them.

7. he's got to be sporty/ spontaneous and willing to do stuff in the sun. take me to the beach, jog with me.. try new stuff with me!

8. he's got to be physically attractive to me. a lovely cologne helps. cute with a toned bod.. wheee....

wen at 10:48 PM


Saturday, May 27, 2006


Name five of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick five people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not use things that someone else has already used:

1. runs at my reservoir. i get beautiful skies each time and i love the feeling of being in control of everything. no one but me.
2. making people smile. it makes me happy too.
3. hugs. give me the warm fuzzy feeling.
4. sun, sand and sea. i love this combi and will not take anything less.
5. just being with the people who matter. that comfortable silence even if we don't talk.

and just because i'm greedy i'll add something else:
anticipation of the return of ppl i love.
and yes, my queens, i'll roll out the red carpet.

//I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now

And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don't know how

wen at 11:14 AM


Friday, May 26, 2006

You give me fever

This is so so hot. someone romance me with this kind of intense passion as well..

.. and this is just sassy. sexy.

//what a lovely way to burn

wen at 11:10 PM


Ice Ice Baby

For the second time in my life, I went ice skating yesterday. It started out really cold at the rink but i think thereafter, i generated alot more heat screaming for help every 10 seconds and trying hard not to fall flat and the only method i know how to stop myself is to crash into people then hang on to them.
my wonderful friends who were always there for me...

I provided alot of entertainment for the nice folks i know from law school. They found a new doll for themselves yesterday. Instead of "press here for sound" it was like, poke her to hear short squeal, shake her to hear loud scream, take her on HIGH SPEED around the rink to hear prolonged loud scream.. you get the idea. And their wonder move: what happens when you put her in the middle of the rink?
One word: vulnerable

but its alright, i still love this bunch. Its amazing how they can make 1 day out with them so much fun.

Amazing what 1 token can do. Much entertainment with photo hunt!

this would have been a really nice photo if not for the hand

I love how things can be spontaneous at times.. like how we decided to go down to town for dinner where service at this place was TERRIBLE. i was prepared to smack them all. OR how we decided to watch the e 1045 x-men show and then go shopping prior to that. X-men was nothing short of enjoyable.. not because it was a mind-blowing movie but because the plot had so many holes it was bordering on the hilarious.I could predict lines.. I was trying hard not to laugh during emotional parts.. my dear friend was so freaked out by the number of needles in the show and how 'scary' it was, she was practically jumping in her seat in front of me and going 'farrrk'.. I think she was more scary than anything else. :P

I've been happy! like really happy.. :) i think i scared hanting last night in the cab last night just laughing alot on the way back.. sorry dude. heh. But when I think about certain stuff coupled with the fantastic weather, i.e. sun, i get this bubbly feeling within me and i just wanna smile.

//Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me

wen at 11:21 AM


Monday, May 22, 2006

Work it, Gal

I've finished the entire cycle 6 of America's Next Top Model on youtube and I've been hearing the judges/photographers scream "work it girl!", "make it your own!".. ( i love that show. all the photo shoots and bitchiness going into overdrive)
Its been a tough past year and looking back, yes I did work it, and made it my own, no matter how many other people might have thought otherwise.I'm stronger and happier now. People change and so must expectations. I was disappointed but I saw the light.

But some things don't change. I've known this girl since the day i was born. Amazing how she used to bully me and scare the crap out of me while we were in primary school and now she's the sweetest girl ever. Funny how with certain people, its so easy to pick up where you last left off. No matter how long ago that last time was. Time doesn't seem to matter.
here's to many more years of friendship my dear tav..

I miss RJ! though i don't feel anything for the new campus. Its too big. the only memories i have of this new place is collecting my A level cert from there. Electrifying atmosphere i say, in every possible wrong way. whitened knuckles from too tight hand-holding, eyes wide opened, possibly blankness in the brain... i remember just going 'omg omg omg' when i got my results back from Prince. I had already mentally prepped myself for shitty results cuz i was almost dead that month. literally. because of tonsilities.

We went back on a very bad day. It was the one day study break. We couldn't get any luckier than that. But that didn't stop us from being photo whores and man, the first stall auntie remembers me!! YAY-ness.

no one's in and no entry to me

We managed to catch over the hedge and can i say, the sub-plot of the show must have been " 10 ways to kill a bunny"... in any case, it was a horribly cute show and funny one at that.

I did my usual grocery shopping for my mum, only thing this time, i had 3 helpers in tow... or maybe not.. balancing on the trolley.. making me take crazy photos..
supermarket sweep

And well, there was tofu boy.. but he's on his way to being tau kwa boy? ( colour difference right.. hur.) But its alright my level 1.__ friend, i lubch you still.. even though you suan me 5 min into each meeting we have. And i BLAME YOU for making me eat my BnJ ice cream when i got home today!!! You GOOD. spent a good part of the car ride home telling me about liquor shots on icre cream. PERSON, you better take me there ASAP!
But in any case, Thanks for everything, talking things through with me, listening to me rant, understanding me... Amazing how we always land ourselves up in similar circumstances :) Its ok, my friend, time will pass fast enough.. ;)

Went to school for Alsa.. and conducted ice breakers for them.. It was really nice to see them so enthu. though my heart went out to our poor mascot during the water game.

my ogl for today:

this is such a cute photo!



i love the way i find myself when i jog. lately, I think i've found myself in the 'zone', getting stiches means more reason for carrying on and increasing the volume of my ipod. Rock/RnB thank you very much. And again, work it, gal!Just keep going. I've extended my route and its always so satisfying to get home even though i end up wishing i had someone to massage my legs after that. Its therapeutic. I don't give a damn if it means i'll get more muscular legs or something. I need the adrenaline rush.

I love how my days ahead of me seem to be filling up nicely. Its always nice to be busy. happy-busy. I remember my baobeis talking about it before. It makes life so much more fulfilling. (meeting up with old friends, on the look out for jobs, orientation, bonding with the bunch: sentosa, ice skating, jb, world cup suppers, stayovers...)

I love everyone who has crossed my path..Sometimes they fade away, and I just miss the memories..
and I'm missing people now.. half a world away. can't wait!!

//Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay..

wen at 10:48 AM


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Summer came like cinnamon, so sweet..

I know I have friends I love. I have friends I know I can trust and depend on. This break is but a time to pick up from where we left off, and find each other again. I feel it in my bones. I've been suffering from withdrawal symptoms ever since I've been back. ( I know, yes, j chen, one more word, and you'll slap me) But one reason why I enjoyed myself so much yesterday was because it seemed that if i closed my eyes, I could almost feel back there again. Close. Almost. like paradise.
Friends, who find joy in wearing shades indoors. I quote: "sun too bright.." *whips out shades*. hurhur.

And because we love jared so, we decided to take a photo. Without him. while he was walking towards us.

The sun was good. The feeling was right. I found my favourite spot in Sentosa. Legs hanging off the edge. I think we found the balance. Throwing nukes at each other. (that is the epitome of our friendship.) Talking with a friend, I never quite got the chance to. Not quite the way we did yesterday. Both, missing the place we were just 2 weeks ago.
Tioman Buddies. I think the Tioman sun did us good. Brown as berries now we are. Though when you get back, my friend, you are going to be black.

But of course, as good friends, how could we forget.. our mission for the day.

glowing white is cool. But he needed a TAN. And help we gave.

Its ok. We never played 'colour'. We love you all the same. Really.

Everyone smile now!

Although guys may be 22, I swear they will forever be 16.

Sentosa should hire us for their adverts. This is the classic 'happy' photo.

I had the first ambulance ride in my life. It was an experience I must say. Though I apologize for getting the seat really sandy. Ali chia. please, no more turning around for you. f.r.a.g.i.l.e. i say. you sit down during law camp alright..

Just a few days ago... our lawr tgs had a combined bbq.. Karen will be proud of us i think. :P all that drinking and rubbish.

It's going to be the World Cup really soon. And I can hardly wait. Just the other day I went back to my old place to clear some of my stuff and i found my rgs class video. I watched it again. It was World Cup fever during that time and our class did crazy ass things.. vandalizing the blackboard at the back of the class with names like oliver khan and attempting to cancel out others.. going down to padang to watch the semi-finals and screaming along with the rest of the crowd.. playing floorball almost every pe lesson then going nuts whenever we scored a goal ala world cup style.. 4 years has since passed, and yet everything is still fresh. Rg has really left a deep impression on me and helped made me the person I am now and provided me with many valuable memories. Back then, I thought that it would never end..problems i had then seem so trivial now.. They all faded to make way for something better..
I can't wait to go back to the new RJ with the bunch for good ol canteen food.
all things eventually straighten themselves out for the better. have faith.
Quote of the day:

//Sapphire, and faded jeans i hope you get your dreams
Just go ahead, let your hair down
You're gonna find yourself, somewhere, somehow

wen at 11:02 AM


Monday, May 15, 2006

this love.

I know ever since exams ended my blog has been a hodgepodge of photos. But really, photowhoring has its merits. Trust me. it does. I've been talking love since I went to Tioman. Talking about love within the circle of trust, thinking about a non- existant lover to share future holidays with, thinking about the meaning of love. So as of now, I would like to introduce everyone to the Man in my life. He's horny. But he's handsome. And sometimes, he gives you the one look that will melt your heart and make you want to just hug him. Oh so true from what I know about love.

You wanna know what makes me go weak in the knees? A guy like that:

yes. hubba-hubba. That fine body and that chiseled looks. But I've come to realize, Singapore most unfortunately does not produce guys of such fine quality. So.. damn. But what gets me weak.. besides a nice bod in nothing but a pair of jeans, is his cologne. Get a good cologne and its an added incentive to make me wanna just snuggle in his arms, and just breathe him in and feel safe. But yes, enough about my fantasies about guys. I'll let you in on another fantasy of mine: I've always wanted to dress like this, boots and all.

This is what i think is hawt and cool all at the same time. But unfortunately, boots in Singapore are just poseur. So someone give me an excuse to wear boots. Send me to a place with weather cool enough for this and fashion, haute enough.

I've always been a bloody romantic. If I could, i'll live on love alone. Bollocks, you tell me. But its true, and when I mean love, I don't just mean love a guy can give, but love from family and friends as well. And so I had a JC class gathering on saturday night and was pleasantly surprised with the turnout and conversation. People always tend to judge so fast but I'm glad for people who know me for who I am and realize that i'm still the same girl they first knew. In turn, I appreciate them for who they are, no matter what. Everyone is nice. One way or another. You just have to look hard enough. Which brings me to the next bit, that I'm forever too trusting and in the end, I feel too much and make myself more vulnerable than needed. But I digress.

a01b at giraffe:

people, please tell me the dates you are free so i can plan for our trip.
a01b and prince

I'm amazed at prince's wonderful memory.. everyone's usual seating position and even weixian's scrawlings on the dingy ts walls.
Me: mike, get someone to take photo for us.
Prince: A photo.
Prince: lawyer.. lets not lapse into singlish here.
Me: Sorry mr prince
Prince: continue and you'll be on my death list.
Me: yes mr prince
Me: sorry mr prince

Jireh, this is for you.. i know you read this.

Its been awhile since we've been out like that.. and it sure feels good to do so:
happy mothers day!

i blame the red wine which made me sleep the afternoon away. But the service was tops!
A secret enclave. A rather ulu location where my uncle opened his restaurant and its really really nice. :)

with mummy and daddy:

with queenie and emmie, my lovely cousins:

In the future, I'll love. the way i know love. Crazy. Passionate. Each morning I wake up, I'll feel like my heart is bursting with love for that person. Its then that i know i'm in love when I want to share my life with him and put his happiness above my own. Giving is always better than receiving.
//I'm tellin' you my babe, its all in the game of love--

Whatever you make it to be

wen at 12:36 AM
