Thursday, December 29, 2005
lets play tag.
You know how some things come as a surprise and this was one of them. Precious words from a 'big bro'.."Those who are open to life's lessons and who do not live on a diet of prejudices are like a blank sheet of paper on which God writes his words in divine ink.
Those who view the world through cynical, prejudiced eyes are like a sheet of paper that has already been filled, and for which there is no room for any new words.
Do not concern yourself with what you know or do not know. Do not think about the past or the future. Merely allow destiny to write the surprises of the present on each new day."
And so since I was tagged by huiling,
5 interesting stuff about myself.
1. I've got big feet. Seriously big feet. And my parents always say i'm like a farmer's daughter or big foot.
2. I've got hairy arms.
3. I'll eat all your veg for you except bitter gourd. Really. All veg.. even alfafa or raw carrots or celery with cheese.
4. Lately, I've come to see the many sides of me, the mugger, the bimbo, the don't f*ck with me alter ego, the fighter.. But the last 2 have been more salient of late.
5. I need lots of security and i'm emotionally high maintenance.
wen at 12:40 PM
too lost in you.
In the still of the night, I hear nothing else except the loud music from my mac. Getting lost in it. Such a heady feeling-losing yourself, it is the same with falling in love. But sometimes, love fails and that heady feeling becomes the empty feeling of losing yourself in a black endless conundrum. And sometimes, it's not love that I need, it is friends that i need. I thank the precious one who called me on christmas day all the way from paris and sent me a postcard from faraway italy, the precious in london who left me with very simple words but those were words of great comfort, the one who gave me the boost when i needed it, the one who gave me a hug at the lift landing...It is so that I think I should do a tribute to all the friends in my life and thank them for being who they are.

I hate having to become cynical about things. Why can't everyone just see the good in people the way I do?
But I'm afraid thats not how the world works, you say.
I feel battle weary all of a sudden. Watching the battle scene in Narnia just made me want to fight for something that i believe wholeheartedly in.
"Are you with me?
'Till the death."
Where do I place this belief of mine in?
wen at 1:06 AM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
i find love in this storm.

my junior whui, whom i have not seen in eons.
there's something strangely therapeutic about doing christmas shopping and being adorned with bags on the way home. There's a churning of excitement within me as I try to imagine how that person will react to his/her presents. Of course, which shopping trip will be complete without getting something for myself. The malaise of all girls.
If only christmas shopping could be mutually exclusive with the crowd cuz it makes me feel clautrophobic. But what is orchard road wtihout the crowd at this time of the year.
I had my first night run just last night. And my dear friend who told me that there would only be 2 uphills. -rawr- to you. lentor to sembawang hills and back was just practically fraught with slopes. But the feeling of hanging on and wanting to kickass was what kept me going. -beam-. Aching calfs and feet were totally worth the satisfaction. Nothing comes close to it.
Not even the exhilaration of going into 7-11 with the sole purpose of pigging out after that.
This girl wants to kick
wen at 10:23 PM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
if not christmas, then when?

It is hardly a week away till christmas and watching Love Actually yesterday seemed like the apt thing to do.
But for now, let me say - Without hope or agenda - Just because it's Christmas - And at Christmas you tell the truth - To me, you are perfect - And my wasted heart will love you - Until you look like this
[picture of a mummy]
Its hardly been 2 full months since I ceclebrated my 19th birthday and the rush of everything has left me breathless. A new house waiting to be filled. I'm in a relatively empty bedroom with my new found internet connection. It feels like a long while since I'e been on the net. My days fillled with things to do, places to go..
mad race to the finish on bikes.

carrie and her -erhem- "laogong"

i'm strangely out of place.

at settlers
trust. it comes easily and all of the world is a happy place to me. I've become harder and more cynical but not worldly enough as far as standards come by. And it is this ability to trust that gets me into trouble.
I try and absorb all emotion as much as I can. Not only mine but others as well.
this christmas, I give thanks to all that I have have. I am blessed.
I wish I saw an end to this offensive. I yearn for the day that the troops put down arms and sign a peace treaty. really. If only everyday was christmas... then there would be love all around.enough for everyone.
maybe i'm too young from keeping this love from going wrong
too young to hold on..
too old to break free and run.
wen at 2:08 AM
Friday, December 16, 2005
mayday. china just got invaded.
I am thankful for my pillars of emotional support. I'm so glad that my pillars never crumbled. I might have grown stronger and been in a much more capable position of singing " I will survive" but the need for my pillars of support is still there. I'm pretty much an all-inclusive person. I loathe to cut anyone out of my circle of trust. I don't have it in me to do this. I'm too much of a softie. But I guess I'll learn if I have to.I think too much about what everyone feels. I'm pretty much a heart person. And it just boggs me whenever I know that someone is down in the dumps. Sometimes I wish I wasn't this way. Having to bother so much with everyone.
But I guess I'll learn to cope.
If only everyday was a Sentosa day. The sun sand and the sea always does it for me. without fail.

the pimp and his girls.

joel n boon.

potter fans.

Just the other day I dreamt such vivid dreams. Some dreams stick. Some you wake up with a vague impression. Some you forget.
I dreamt of a dog and her name was tasha..
wen at 11:33 AM
Sunday, December 11, 2005
you're the reason for me.
I'm not a perfect personThere's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found out the reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear
I've found out a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is You
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found out a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I've found out a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you
wen at 11:49 PM
Friday, December 09, 2005
this leap of faith.
Share my life, take me for what I amCause I'll never change all my colors for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
Change has to be one of the most under rated words of all time. Too many implications. Too many emotions.
Sometimes I feel that I've grown so much in a year and feel unstoppable and invincible. This wonder-woman feeling of mine most certaainly doesn't last and it doesn't take much to take the air out of me. Then it's back to square 1.
I'm moving house soon and have started packing my life into boxes and throwing out remnants of the past. Throwing out my JC notes was difficult. There was an attachment and memory with every single piece of paper I put into the box meant for the recycling truck. It was only the beginning. There is the latent excitement of moving on to something brand new something to call my own again, but I battle this feeling of inertia. Unwillingness to get out of what I'm comfortable with now. (though my present place is in a total mess)
If only everything were as easy as placing bits and pieces of my life into boxes.
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
There's nowhere to hide.
So much has happened in a year. It was just 9 months ago that I got my A level results, not long ago that I was still working a 5 day week, not very far away that I went through the entire process of getting into law school. It almost feels like I travelled through a wrinkle in time.
(oh my goodness. revelation. I just realized i attended jared n friends commissioning parade without knowing it. remember going there for fun with other RJ ppl cuz RJ asked for ppl to attend. found the booklet while packing my stuff and spotted jared's name in it. hurhur.)

i found my rgs class photo!

Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing
If I don't have you,
i've changed as well..
harder. louder. more opinionated. more independent. more daring.
choose one.
you don't learn until you've gone through it.
You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to


wen at 2:22 PM
Sunday, December 04, 2005
it's my life. it's now or never.

daniel after his new haircut. hot!
and so its finally the end of mugging my ass off and time to party and let loose. as was last night's law bash which was better than expected. ppl were actually high and the DJ was having fun. :)i was high enough to get onto the podium and embarrass myself. growl.
but well.. a couple of pictures for the night...

mag dearest.

jared was really red.


moghs. :)

paparazzi. -erhem-
wen at 1:32 PM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
being a self converted hermit at home made me realize so many things:1. I derive joy from eating cup noodles. (talk about being deprived and all that trans fat)
2. Running and pushing myself till I'm out of breath and sweating like a cow is so much more enjoyable than running home to mug contracts. ( I actually stopped halfway and wondered if i should continue running or turn back home. Reckoned I looked rather much like an idiot. of course running won.)
3. contract makes me dream weird stuff
4. contract makes my brain go wonky. I started typing stuff like promisee in my online conversations UNKNOWINGLY
5. my sleep patterns are screwed. and so are my meal times.
6. i'm getting very restless. daydreaming alot about post fri plans.
7. I like listening to old Savage Garden songs..
8. my brain just kinda stalled...
current spin: come get some, Rooster
Baby it Dont Matter,
Anyone Can See The Signs,
I caught you looking over, with just a little bit of a smile,
Did you ever ask yourself the question
'Where the hell did i go wrong?'
Cos you know when it's true,
I'll be waiting for you,
So tell me how you gonna come, come
Come Get Some.
wen at 9:18 AM